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Our My Story

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Discovered the
power of conscious gratitude
practice for the
 time, through
 a book.
Quit my 9 - 5 to
start a business selling personalized products and designs.

Like many, This
year I lost everything I had been working on. 
Started to recover my
mental health. My hope reignited.
 I began to create and  paint again. I was not sure on the message I wanted to put out, but I knew how I wanted it to look like. This was a huge start.

I aligned with my
purpose to spread the good impact  conscious gratitude practice has on mental health, and combined it with my artistic talents to start: Colorizse.








Hi ! I'm Sheila

I'm an artist with impostor syndrome, so let's just say I do graphic design and I also paint. Aside my many artistic passions,  I am a seeker of truth, who spends a lot of time studying about life, and trying to uncover deeper truths. In that journey I have learned many things. With this knowledge I will be creating art and tools I wished to had found more of.

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